Art of Surveillance

As the top rated private investigations firm in Tennessee one could imagine, we get all kinds of calls. However, one of the most common requests is for surveillance. A word my sister says she can’t even spell; Sur-veil-lance, is the monitoring of behavior and activities while gathering information or intelligence for the purpose of influencing, managing, or directing. Observations documented by a licensed private investigator can save you a lifetime of headaches. Don’t get BURNED!!! Contact Covert to get proven results!

2019-09-05T16:00:57+00:00September 5th, 2019|Law Enforcement, Private Investigator, Surveillance|

In the Books-365

One year in the books! Covert Results has had a very successful first year. From following that cheating husband at 5 am to pulling trash on a custody case, the private investigative side has been interesting. On the armed security side, Covert Results has been busy deploying active & retired officers at event venues, companies, and conferences. Our top priority, keep the client safe! As if managing a business wasn’t enough, I wanted a past experience to be known and my voice heard. Over the course of eleven months, my team and I put together one hell of a story; A book titled “Gray: Rise & Fall of 1422.”

2019-04-09T02:54:46+00:00April 9th, 2019|Event Security, Private Investigator, True Crime|
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